I have this quirk to my anxiety about small, grocery store purchases. I worry here and there about and waste time fretting over small price differences that don’t mean jack in the grand scheme of things.
For example, I have a preferred brand of peanut butter and it’s a bit pricier because of its nutritional value – sometimes as much as a dollar or more higher than your regular Skippy or Peter Pan.
So what do I do? I stand there looking at a whole shelf of alternatives wondering if I should really spend that extra dollar or so to get what I really want and when I choose it, then I feel a little guilty for not being a more frugal shopper. And all the while, I’ve burned precious mental energy debating an utterly meaningless decision. It’s not like world peace is hanging in the balance.
What’s more, I know what’s going on and still do it to today at times, especially during those weeks when money is tight. Strangely, I don’t struggle nearly as much over larger purchases such as the cost of a computer, dress clothes for work, or other items that can really put a dent in my budget.
The fact is there are a lot of stressors in life, some are justified and others are utterly meaningless in the grand scheme of life.
So what’s the solution? When you know the choice is relatively meaningless, just say “Screw It,” then make your choice and move on with life. It may take some practice but it can be quite liberating!
Do you have a favorite tactic to deal with pesky little anxieties like this? Share it below so other readers might benefit from your experience.
Photo Source: Unknown
You just described my daily life…It’s tough, but I do that almost every day when I know I should just go with what I want to and worry about the rest later. For me, I’ve always been pretty conscious about what things cost, when, in reality, there is usually not much difference in price, but a large difference in value, so I have to re-wire my brain to think in terms of value vs cost.
Thanks for stopping by the site. Just remember, as always, to keep things in perspective. Take care! – Todd
I have gone so far as to spend an hour or more filling my cart with stuff I want, getting in line to pay and then suddenly changing my mind and leaving the full cart abandoned in the store. On the rare occasion that I make a purchase; it is usually returned for a refund within 48 hours. I’ve learned to question myself before I shop and ask if I REALLY need what I’m about to buy. I feel that less is more and I find peace in not having a lot of stuff. Food purchases are not included in this strange behavior, just household items and clothing.
Here is an interesting and somewhat related column about being overwhelmed by too many choices.